About Us

​​​As we move into a time when almost three-quarters of new jobs will require college or university education, an aging Ontario workforce demands a new generation of well-educated citizens. Through a comprehensive program of research, evaluation and policy advice, the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) is helping to ensure that Ontario’s colleges and universities are accessible, offer high-quality programs and are accountable to Ontarians.

HEQCO explores key issues in higher education

Created through the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario Act, 2005, HEQCO is an agency of the Government of Ontario that brings evidence-based resear​​​ch to the continued improvement of the postsecondary education system in Ontario.  As part of its mandate, HEQCO evaluates the postsecondary sector and provides policy recommendations to the Ministry of Colleges, Universities, Research Excellence and Security to enhance the access, quality and accountability of Ontario’s colleges and universities. Among the questions HEQCO explores:

  • Are students satisfied with their postsecondary experience?
  • Do they acquire the knowledge and skills that prepare them for their personal and professional lives?
  • What are the barriers to pursuing postsecondary education, to staying in school, to graduating?
  • How are underrepresented groups faring in accessing and completing postsecondary education and what strategies will improve their participation?
  • What are the attributes of a responsive and efficient postsecondary education system, and how can the system and its institutions be more accountable to the public and government for the use of public dollars?

HEQCO informs solutions


  • Conducts and commissions studies and evaluations, often in partnership with Ontario’s colleges and universities, on key issues in accessibility, learning outcomes and system design.
  • Produces reports that synthesize the most current data and research, providing postsecondary decision-makers and the general public with critical insight and information on emerging trends in postsecondary education.
  • Evaluates the postsecondary sector and makes that evaluation available to the Ministry of Colleges, Universities, Research Excellence and Security and the general public.


The authority to create the Council is established in the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario Act, 2005.
The Council reports to the Ontario Minister of Colleges, Universities, Research Excellence and Security and must prepare an annual report, which it submits to the Minister for tabling in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. Read our Memorandum of Understanding.​


At HEQCO, we are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner, and will do so by preventing and removing barriers to accessibility and meeting requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act.

Accommodations will be made during the recruitment process.