HEQCO experts are available to speak to media on a variety of issues related to the access, quality and accountability of postsecondary education in Ontario. To arrange an interview, please contact:
Matt Ross – Director, Communications
416-624-3250, mross@heqco.ca
A challenging economy has made high quality education an essential part of both finding a job and helping the Ontario and Canadian economies compete on a global scale…
Martin Hicks has joined the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) as executive director of data and statistics…
Broadening one’s knowledge may be a worthy reason for pursuing higher education, but for tomorrow’s college and university students, the number one reason is to get a good job…
The jury’s still out on the impact of large classes on student learning. But if size matters, a new report by the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) finds that skill and competency of the instructor, teaching methods and course design probably matter more…
Students who could most benefit from postsecondary financial assistance are not taking advantage of it, and it may be because they lack financial literacy…
The children of immigrants represent an increasing segment of the Canadian labour force. Yet while most tend to have higher university attainment rates than children of Canadian-born parents, some, particularly visible minority men, have higher unemployment rates and lower earnings, according to a new Ontario study commissioned by the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario…