
Gail Smyth – Bring skilled trades and technologies to education discussion

Guest blogger: Gail Smyth Voices from HEQCO’s November 2014 conference Hands On: Exploring Apprenticeship and the Skilled Trades Today’s graduates are facing challenging times; they have been in school for most of their lives, have little to no work experience in their field of expertise and a large number of graduates may be facing years […]


Stewart Kallio – Canadian apprenticeship completions lag far behind registrations

Guest blogger: Stewart Kallio Voices from HEQCO’s November 2014 conference Hands On: Exploring Apprenticeship and the Skilled Trades Work in the trades provides good, well-paying jobs, yet young Canadians do not see the skilled trades as a viable career. Often, they enter an apprenticeship path later in their work career. In Ontario, for example, the […]


Barbara Endel – Accelerating Opportunity builds pathways to marketable credentials

Guest blogger: Barbara Endel Voices from HEQCO’s November 2014 conference Hands On: Exploring Apprenticeship and the Skilled Trades Right now, the United States is facing a major skills and educational attainment gap. Family-supporting jobs increasingly require a postsecondary credential.  It’s estimated that, by 2018, two-thirds of all jobs will require education beyond high school, but […]


Joe Henry – Male students in higher education: we need a conversation

Guest blogger: Joe Henry There have been many conversations in the media and in education circles about the role that gender plays in student success and achievement. In the last 50 years we have seen significant and important shifts in female attendance and graduation from our postsecondary institutions across North America. As the father of […]


Anthony Mann – Closing the gap between education and employment

Voices from HEQCO’s November 2014 conference Hands On: Exploring Apprenticeship and the Skilled Trades   Guest blogger: Anthony Mann If employer engagement in education were a snappier hashtag, it would be trending. Across the world, governments, institutions and organizations are asking themselves how can they close the gap between the worlds of education and employment, […]


Fiona Deller – Need to Read: The future of higher ed (again), MOOCs and more

Sharing the best in postsecondary news and commentary A couple of weeks ago I posted a few pieces on the future of the lecture. Is it good, bad or a neutral teaching tool that can be used in a variety of ways? Lloyd Armstrong jumps into the debate with a good summary of the methodology […]


Fiona Deller – Need to Read: Access, flexibility and a little disruption

Sharing the best in postsecondary news and commentary Education Week has done a nice series called College Access for All, where education experts/ innovators talk about how their programs encourage and effect access in American colleges. Among the articles I particularly liked: College prep is career prep is an interesting piece by a secondary school […]


Ryan Whibbs – Time for a “mash up” of industry-relevant skills, theoretical training

  Guest blogger: Ryan Whibbs A fascinating discussion recently took place on CBC Radio’s The Current. Anna Maria Tremonti hosted Don Tapscott, Chancellor of Trent University; Sarah Watts-Rynard, Executive Director of the Canadian Apprenticeship Forum; and David Ticoll, Special Advisor to the Canadian Coalition for Tomorrow’s ICT Skills,  for a discussion  on “the debate between […]


Fiona Deller – Need to Read: Scottish apprenticeships, Australian budgets and, oh, about those lectures

Sharing the best in postsecondary news and commentary Germany isn’t the only game in town. Scotland just doubled its number of apprentices in five years by setting a goal, expanding the types of apprenticeships available, launching a nationwide marketing campaign, creating new financial incentives and introducing new government apprenticeships. Interestingly, 52% of new apprentices in […]