Sharing the best in postsecondary news and commentary A couple of weeks ago I posted a few pieces on the future of the lecture. Is it good, bad or a neutral teaching tool that can be used in a variety of ways? Lloyd Armstrong jumps into the debate with a good summary of the methodology […]
Category: Fiona Deller
Sharing the best in postsecondary news and commentary Education Week has done a nice series called College Access for All, where education experts/ innovators talk about how their programs encourage and effect access in American colleges. Among the articles I particularly liked: College prep is career prep is an interesting piece by a secondary school […]
Sharing the best in postsecondary news and commentary Germany isn’t the only game in town. Scotland just doubled its number of apprentices in five years by setting a goal, expanding the types of apprenticeships available, launching a nationwide marketing campaign, creating new financial incentives and introducing new government apprenticeships. Interestingly, 52% of new apprentices in […]
Sharing the best in postsecondary news and commentary I do appreciate a good longitudinal/historical critique. This recent meta-analysis by researchers at UNB looks at Gender Differences in Scholastic Achievement over 100 years (since 1914) and concludes that females have always done better than males and that all the recent talk of a crisis in boys’ […]
Sharing the best in postsecondary news and commentary Last week the American PayScale put out their annual report on return on investment (ROI). They have an interactive site you can play with here. There was plenty of commentary, with the Atlantic writing about which degrees make you richer and the New York Times writing about […]
One of the many things we do at HEQCO is read the trades. We try to keep up on the latest research, as well as the media commentary, relevant books and the blogosphere. We read the good, the bad, the controversial and the bland. This year, we thought it might be nice to share with […]
This piece from Time came out in June 2012 (thanks to a colleague for bringing it to my attention), but it’s still on point so I wanted to share. It also contains one of the best lines I read this week: “Candidate must have previous experience operating a cotton candy machine.” The writer makes the worthy […]
One of the many things we do at HEQCO is read the trades. We try to keep up on the latest research, as well as the media commentary, relevant books and the blogosphere. We read the good, the bad, the controversial and the bland. This year, we thought it might be nice to share with […]
Fiona Deller – Need to Read No. 2
Pathways, ROIs and competencies If you are interested in student transitions and pathways and you are not following the work being done in BC, you should take a look at the latest report in the BC transitions project, which follows students who entered a bachelor’s degree program in 2005. For a new installment on postsecondary […]