
Fiona Deller and Martin Hicks — Is postsecondary education the great equalizer?

In a paper we published earlier this year, we wrote that access to postsecondary education starts early in the educational pathway, and isn’t an equal race for everyone. We know that youth from low-income and first-generation backgrounds (those whose parents did not go to postsecondary) have a particularly difficult time getting in. But what happens […]


Martin Hicks — Data Done Right!

In an excellent new paper, David Trick and Jinli Yang analyze Ontario’s existing surveys of college and university graduates, and look ahead to imagine the next generation of performance metrics for our public institutions. The surveys have been running for almost 20 years. Trick and Yang note that the data is of broad interest to […]


Martin Hicks — Postsecondary data and the public domain

We recently asked Ontario universities for some data that would allow us to calculate how much salaries paid to continuing full-time faculty have been increasing in recent years. We did not ask for individual records, of course, — we understand personal privacy — but only aggregations at the institutional and provincial level. The universities said […]


Fiona Deller and Martin Hicks — Spoiler alert: It’s the Ontario Education Number

With Thursday’s unveiling of the 2017 provincial budget, we’re reminded that last year’s budget included an announcement (with great fanfare) of reforms to the Ontario Student Assistance Program, or OSAP. Those reforms were designed to encourage and support more low-income youth to attend postsecondary education, and, as HEQCO has said before, that’s a really great […]


Martin Hicks and Fiona Deller – An Homage to Good Data

Those of us focused on facts rather than anecdotes have known all along that the alleged collapse of employment opportunities for higher education graduates is untrue.  At HEQCO, we have published on this.  And now comes a major breakthrough, a significant step forward, in our data-driven understanding of outcomes for Canadian college and university graduates.  […]


HEQCO – Hunting for Good WIL: Put quality before quantity

Work-integrated learning (WIL) and experiential education (EE) are hot topics.  This focus has been amplified by recent recommendations from the Business Council of Canada and the Ontario Premier’s Highly Skilled Workforce Expert Panel, as well as reinforced by comments from the Premier, that 100% of postsecondary students should have at least one WIL or EE […]


Martin Hicks and Fiona Deller – Free Tuition: Neither a pig nor in a poke

Free tuition is not a political slogan.  It is an important new program that will increase access to higher education for low-income and marginalized Ontarians.  Now that we are finally ready to deploy it, let’s please not immediately politicize it away. A long time ago, back before 1991, Ontario’s student assistance program, OSAP, was pretty […]


HEQCO – A triumph of evidence-based decision-making

In last Thursday’s budget, the Ontario government announced significant changes to the way student financial aid will be packaged to encourage greater participation of students from low income families.  These changes come after years of research from HEQCO, and other organizations, about the inhibitory effects of a high tuition sticker price and loan aversion on […]


Martin Hicks – Giving thanks

I looked around the family table at Thanksgiving dinner and was struck by this: of the eleven Ontarians represented, seven are students in our higher education system at this moment in time. Despite the small sample, what’s represented here is richer than gravy. This family is hungrily learning at both college and university, towards a […]