
Informing the Future of Higher Education


Career Opportunities and Requests for Proposals

Career Opportunities Corporate Services Administrator President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Corporate Services Administrator Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) Toronto, Ontario (Remote – Hybrid) Position Description: The Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) is an agency of the Ontario government which brings evidence-based research to the continued improvement of the province’s postsecondary […]

Women in Academia

Welcome to the Women in Academia Project HEQCO is pleased to announce the release of a multi-part research project designed to explore current and historical gender disparities among faculty in Ontario universities. Despite advocacy efforts, collective bargaining, targeted funding and legislation, gaps in representation, promotion and earnings for women academics persist. These inequalities are especially […]

Quick Stats

How many Ontario students applied to the province’s colleges and universities during the last decade? How many enrolled? How many graduated? Find the answers to these and other good questions in Quick Stats, a compendium of data on Ontario’s postsecondary system. Note: All visualizations begin in 2013 and go up to the most recent year […]



Harvey P. Weingarten – What difference a decade: the view from outside

Reflections on the ‘Rae Report’ 10 years and a few billion dollars later Harvey P. Weingarten, President and CEOHigher Education Quality Council of Ontario It’s Feb 7, 2005. As president of the University of Calgary, I’m paying no particular attention to the Rae Report. Presidents pay attention to issues in their home province and the […]


Martin Hicks – What difference a decade: the view from inside

Reflections on the ‘Rae Report’ 10 years and a few billion dollars later It’s Feb. 7, 2005. Bob Rae faces the Queen’s Park media and releases his report and recommendations for Ontario’s postsecondary education system: popularly dubbed the Rae Report but officially titled Ontario – A Leader in Learning. It’s a pivotal moment. Mr. Rae, […]


Léo Charbonneau – How is Canada’s PSE system doing? Probably OK, but it would be useful to have more research to know for sure

Léo Charbonneau, Guest blogger According to its most recent annual report (PDF, pg. 26), the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario received roughly $5.5 million in operating funds from the provincial government for the 2012-13 fiscal year. The amount of quality research the council is able to conduct with that relatively modest sum is impressive. More than […]

The Apprentice Retention Program Evaluation and Implications for Ontario

Apprentice retention and completion focus of new study The completion rates of Ontario’s apprentices remain a point of concern, prompting growing interest in programs to improve retention and completion. A new study from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario examines the development, implementation and efficacy of the Apprentice Retention Program (ARP). Project description ARP […]

@ Issue Paper No. 21 Apprenticeship in International Perspective Points of Contrast with Ontario

Federal governments are key players in apprenticeship systems around the globe Much of the public discussion surrounding changes to Ontario’s apprenticeship system has focused on what is happening in other systems around the world. A new report from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) examines seven countries’ apprenticeship systems and finds that while […]