
Informing the Future of Higher Education


Career Opportunities and Requests for Proposals

Career Opportunities Corporate Services Administrator President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Corporate Services Administrator Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) Toronto, Ontario (Remote – Hybrid) Position Description: The Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) is an agency of the Ontario government which brings evidence-based research to the continued improvement of the province’s postsecondary […]

Women in Academia

Welcome to the Women in Academia Project HEQCO is pleased to announce the release of a multi-part research project designed to explore current and historical gender disparities among faculty in Ontario universities. Despite advocacy efforts, collective bargaining, targeted funding and legislation, gaps in representation, promotion and earnings for women academics persist. These inequalities are especially […]

Quick Stats

How many Ontario students applied to the province’s colleges and universities during the last decade? How many enrolled? How many graduated? Find the answers to these and other good questions in Quick Stats, a compendium of data on Ontario’s postsecondary system. Note: All visualizations begin in 2013 and go up to the most recent year […]


Opportunities for Non-Traditional Pathways to Postsecondary Education in Ontario: Exploring the Dual Credit and School within a College Programs

Dual credit programs ease transition into postsecondary education Targeted to high school students at risk of not obtaining their diplomas, the Dual Credit and School Within a College (SWAC) programs at George Brown College help students graduate from high school, improve their grades and ease their transition into postsecondary education (PSE), according to a new […]

Tuning: Identifying and Measuring Sector-Based Learning Outcomes in Postsecondary Education

Report How to use this document Appendices Note: Appendices A, E and F are in the report. Tuning Process Creates Practical and Measurable Learning Outcomes Ontario is part of an international effort known as Tuning that brings together experts from across institutions to develop relevant and appropriate learning outcomes in postsecondary education. The Higher Education […]

Productivity Implications of a Shift to Competency-Based Education: An environmental scan and review of the relevant literature

Competency-based higher education in Ontario? Proceed with caution Competency-based education (CBE) might be a pathway to improved postsecondary quality, accountability and cost containment, but a new report from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) recommends caution in its application to Ontario’s higher education system. The borders between CBE and traditional programs are dissolving, […]


Fiona Deller – Need to Read: Access, flexibility and a little disruption

Sharing the best in postsecondary news and commentary Education Week has done a nice series called College Access for All, where education experts/ innovators talk about how their programs encourage and effect access in American colleges. Among the articles I particularly liked: College prep is career prep is an interesting piece by a secondary school […]

Innovative Practicum Models in Teacher Education: The Benefits, Challenges and Implementation Implications of Peer Mentorship, Service Learning and International Practicum Placements

Research Reports Appendix – http://www.heqco.ca/SiteCollectionDocuments/Formatted_Appendices_Nipissing2.pdf Research Summary: Innovative teacher education practicums spark professional growth Faculty of Education students (teacher candidates) who participated in innovative practicums said they grew professionally and developed resilience and problem-solving skills, according to a new report from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO). The study,Innovative Practicum Models in Teacher […]


Ryan Whibbs – Time for a “mash up” of industry-relevant skills, theoretical training

  Guest blogger: Ryan Whibbs A fascinating discussion recently took place on CBC Radio’s The Current. Anna Maria Tremonti hosted Don Tapscott, Chancellor of Trent University; Sarah Watts-Rynard, Executive Director of the Canadian Apprenticeship Forum; and David Ticoll, Special Advisor to the Canadian Coalition for Tomorrow’s ICT Skills,  for a discussion  on “the debate between […]