
Career Opportunities Corporate Services Administrator President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Corporate Services Administrator Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) Toronto, Ontario (Remote – Hybrid) Position Description: The Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) is an agency of the Ontario government which brings evidence-based research to the continued improvement of the province’s postsecondary […]

Welcome to the Women in Academia Project HEQCO is pleased to announce the release of a multi-part research project designed to explore current and historical gender disparities among faculty in Ontario universities. Despite advocacy efforts, collective bargaining, targeted funding and legislation, gaps in representation, promotion and earnings for women academics persist. These inequalities are especially […]

How many Ontario students applied to the province’s colleges and universities during the last decade? How many enrolled? How many graduated? Find the answers to these and other good questions in Quick Stats, a compendium of data on Ontario’s postsecondary system. Note: All visualizations begin in 2013 and go up to the most recent year […]
While Ontario’s colleges and universities are already quite productive, constrained resources and increased demand mean the system must increase productivity to maintain quality, according to a preliminary report by the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO). The report, The Productivity of the Ontario Public Postsecondary System, was initiated at the request of the provincial government to […]
A few weeks after our Learning to Earning conference, we here at HEQCO are still replaying the lively discussions that took place during and after sessions (especially next to that break-time popcorn machine). For those who couldn’t make it to the event, here are a few takeaways from a research analyst/rookie conference planner/perpetual student at […]
On Our Radar features HEQCO staff and guest bloggers offering their unique perspectives on trends, new ideas and hot-button issues in higher education. The opinions are those of the authors. For years, postsecondary institutions have collected massive amounts of data but have not used them to their full capacity. Postsecondary institutions have a vested […]
Research Summary: Ontario’s Top High School Students Plan Early for Postsecondary Education The top students in Ontario secondary schools begin planning for postsecondary education (PSE) earlier than their classmates and are drawn to science and engineering over business and the arts according to a new report by the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO). […]

About the Conference HEQCO’s international conference explores postsecondary education’s role in preparing students for the world of work. Highlights Thanks to Ian Hartlen and Adrian Philp, recent graduates from the Master of Public Policy Program at the University of Toronto, for their work in summarizing the conference. Day One | Thursday, November 1, 2012Breakfast KeynoteKevin […]
One of the first things employers look for when hiring graduates of Ontario’s colleges and universities is relevant work experience, according to a new study from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario…