
Informing the Future of Higher Education


Women in Academia

Welcome to the Women in Academia Project HEQCO is pleased to announce the release of a multi-part research project designed to explore current and historical gender disparities among faculty in Ontario universities. Despite advocacy efforts, collective bargaining, targeted funding and legislation, gaps in representation, promotion and earnings for women academics persist. These inequalities are especially […]

Quick Stats

How many Ontario students applied to the province’s colleges and universities during the last decade? How many enrolled? How many graduated? Find the answers to these and other good questions in Quick Stats, a compendium of data on Ontario’s postsecondary system. Note: All visualizations begin in 2013 and go up to the most recent year […]



Ontario Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Experiences of Ontario First-year Postsecondary Students in 2020–21

Ontario Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Experiences of Ontario First-year Postsecondary Students in 2020–21 was written by Jeffrey Napierala, Natalie Pilla, Jackie Pichette & Julia Colyar, Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario. A study of the first cohort to enter postsecondary during the pandemic reveals consistent challenges and key recommendations A study of students who […]


Dr. Karin Schnarr appointed chair of HEQCO Board of Directors

Toronto, March 24, 2022 – Dr. Karin Schnarr, an associate professor of policy at the Lazaridis School of Business and Economics (Lazaridis School) at Wilfrid Laurier University, has been appointed as chair of the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario’s (HEQCO) Board of Directors for a three-year term ending June 2024, succeeding interim chair Patricia […]


Creating a University ‘Graduation Predictor’

A recent study outlines an approach that can help universities predict where, and when, to intervene with student supports. Taking a cue from K-12 research — where experts have long studied predictive factors related to overall achievement — the authors show how GPA and credits achieved in a student’s first year of study, and whether […]

Access Programs in Ontario: OPAIP and Pathways to Education

Access Programs in Ontario: OPAIP and Pathways to Education was written by Ken Chatoor, Rachel Courts, Jennifer Han, Victoria Barclay & Julia Colyar, Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario. Improving access to higher education depends on better access to high-quality data To assist historically disadvantaged students access postsecondary education (PSE), leading organizations and researchers require […]


Closing Education Attainment Gaps with the Power of Connected Data

A new coalition — the Hamilton Community Research Partnership — provides a model for collecting and connecting data to track and improve long-term student outcomes in Ontario. Authors: Jackie Pichette, Director, Policy, Research and Partnerships (HEQCO) and Lorraine Valmadrid, Learning and Evaluation Lead (Hamilton Community Foundation) The Hamilton Community Research Partnership (CRP) is a coalition […]


The Impact of School Closures and Emergency Remote Learning on Postsecondary transitions in 2020/21: Findings from Toronto

The Impact of School Closures and Emergency Remote Learning on Postsecondary Transitions in 2020/21: Findings from Toronto was written by Kelly Gallagher-Mackay and Robert S. Brown with George Tam and Christine Corso in collaboration with the research department of the Toronto District School Board. TDSB student applications and confirmations to postsecondary institutions increased during the […]