Utilizing the Indigenous Learning Outcomes to Assess the Global Citizenship of Learners

When discussing learning outcomes, critical thinking is a skill that frequently gets mentioned. A student who successfully completes a college or university program is expected to be able to think critically about issues encountered in classroom or work environments. There are a number of ways that critical thinking skills can be developed, as well as many different life experiences that can contribute to this development. One LOAC project is currently underway that aims to look at critical thinking through an Indigenous lens.

Confederation College of Applied Arts and Technology has developed seven Indigenous Learning Outcomes (ILOs) in collaboration with the Negahneewin College of Indigenous Studies at Confederation, and the Negahneewin Council. The purpose of the ILOs is to provide an opportunity to learn from and understand Indigenous worldviews, culture and context in relation to a specific field.
There were three phases of this project. The first provided background by exploring the concept of critical thinking that’s specific to the Indigenous experience. This phase allowed the project team to examine Indigenous education and global citizenship while also assessing “non-conventional” understandings of critical thinking. 
In the second phase of the project, the research team will create and test a specific type of assessment tool (a rubric) for the Indigenous Learning Outcomes. The testing will begin on a small scale and grow from there to include more classes, programs and students while also incorporating feedback along the way.
The final phase of the project will attempt to move this work beyond Confederation College by developing a handbook that can be used at postsecondary institutions that do not have pre-existing ILO content. If this phase of the project is successful, the findings and teachings of the project could have a much wider reach.​​

Materials and Outcomes

​Throughout the course of this project, updates and final reports will be posted here.

An Indigenous Knowledge Mobilization Packsack: Utilizing Indigenous Learning Outcomes to Promote and Assess Critical Thinking and Global Citizenship

An Indigenous Knowledge Mobilization Packsack: Utilizing Indigenous Learning Outcomes to Promote and Assess Critical Thinking and Global Citizenship was written by the Negahneewin Research Centre. Confederation College explores approaches to integrating and measuring Indigenous Ways of Knowing in college classrooms A new report published by the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) explores the […]