
HEQCO conducts and commissions studies and evaluations, often in partnership with Ontario’s colleges and universities, on key issues in accessibility, quality and accountability. Various organizations and individuals have considerable and valuable expertise in postsecondary education research. The research publications below reflect this collaboration with some of the best thinkers on issues related to higher education. Join our mailing list and keep current with the latest HEQCO research.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

At HEQCO, we are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner, and will do so by preventing and removing barriers to accessibility and meeting requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005. To request HEQCO material in alternate formats, please contact​​.

Exploring the Alignment between Postsecondary Programs and Labour Market Outcomes in Ontario

Research Summary: Job market demand and postsecondary grad supply are in sync while earning gap is growing for non-PSE grads  Despite higher numbers of graduates from Ontario’s colleges and universities, there’s no shortage of opportunity in the job market. Graduates are not only finding jobs; they’re outearning high school graduates by almost 25 per cent, […]

Postsecondary Education and the Labour market in Ontario

Research Summary: Job market demand and postsecondary grad supply are in sync while earning gap is growing for non-PSE grads  Despite higher numbers of graduates from Ontario’s colleges and universities, there’s no shortage of opportunity in the job market. Graduates are not only finding jobs; they’re outearning high school graduates by almost 25 per cent, […]

Post High-School Pathways of Immigrant Youth

Research Summary: Immigrant study: C​aribbean students least likely to pursue hi​​​gher education A new study of Toronto high school immigrant students shows that first generation immigrants, particularly those of East Asian background, are most likely to attend university, while Caribbean students are least likely to attend a postsecondary institution or even graduate from high school. […]

Willingness to Pay for Postsecondary Education Among Under-represented Groups

Research Summary: Price concerns and loan aversion pose barriers to post-secondary education  Concerns about the costs of post-secondary education (PSE) and a reluctance to pursue educational loans may be discouraging some students from pursuing a post-secondary education, according to a new research report released today by the Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC), sponsored by […]

Implementing Engagement Improvements through Targeted Interventions: Final Report: Intervention Processes, Impacts and Implications

Research Summary: Prepared by Chris Conway, Queen’s University The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) is a tool for exploring institutional practices and student behaviours that are known to be associated with good learning outcomes. It is now administered by all Ontario universities as part of their Multi-year Accountability Agreements with the Ministry of Training, […]

The Effectiveness of the Peer-assisted Study Sessions (PASS) Program in Enhancing Student Academic Success at Carleton Univ

Research Summary:​ Report prepared by Dr. Carol A. Miles, Dragana Polovina-Vukovic, Darcy Litteljohn, Dr. Anthony Marini, Carleton University  Carleton University introduced the Peer-Assiste​d Study Session (PASS) program to assist students who are registered in traditionally difficult or high attrition courses, with combined D, Fail or Withdrawal (WFD)  rates  of  over  30  per  cent,  to  succeed  […]