
HEQCO conducts and commissions studies and evaluations, often in partnership with Ontario’s colleges and universities, on key issues in accessibility, quality and accountability. Various organizations and individuals have considerable and valuable expertise in postsecondary education research. The research publications below reflect this collaboration with some of the best thinkers on issues related to higher education. Join our mailing list and keep current with the latest HEQCO research.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

At HEQCO, we are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner, and will do so by preventing and removing barriers to accessibility and meeting requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005. To request HEQCO material in alternate formats, please contact​​.

The High Education Low Income Paradox College and University Graduates with Low Earnings-Ontario

Research Summary: According to the 2008 report, Education at a Glance from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the percentage of university- and college-educated workers who earned at or below half of the national median employment income (or $16,917) was higher in Canada (and Ontario) in 2006 than most, if not all, key […]

Disappointment Misunderstanding and Expectations A Gap Analysis of NSSE BCSSE and FSSE

Research Summary: What expectations do students have regarding the university experience and are those expectations being met?  What expectations do faculty have of students, and will students or should students measure up to faculty expectations? And to what extent do faculty expectations influence student expectations and the overall experiences of students?  These three questions are […]

Taking Stock Research on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

Publication Research Summary: The book is available for purchase at This book is based upon a HEQCO-sponsored research symposium that was held in the spring of 2008. The symposium brought together leading experts to “take stock” of the research on teaching and learning in higher education and to explore the implications of key findings.  The […]

@ Issue Paper No. 3 : “What About the Boys?” An Overview of Gender Trends in Education and the Labour Market in Ontario

Summary: Females are outnumbering males in application rates, enrolment and attainment rates at Ontario’s colleges and universities, which begs the question, are males becoming under-represented in Ontario’s postsecondary education landscape? “What About the Boys?” An Overview of Gender Trends in Education and the Labour Market in Ontario provides an overview of gender patterns in participation, […]

@ Issue Paper No-2-1 Encouraging Participation Trends in Pathway

Trends in Pathways to Postsecondary Education​ Summary: The first, in a three part series, this paper examines a number of OECD jurisdictions, mainly the UK, Switzerland and Germany, and their strategies to enhance participation in and movement within education systems. It looks specifically at how nations encourage participation by individuals, businesses, industries, and local governments […]

@ Issue Paper No 2-2 A Fine Balance

Supporting Skills and Competency Development​​​​​ Summary: The second in a three part series, this paper examines issues related to the development of skills, competencies, and knowledge and the labour market issues faced by skilled graduates. It draws on the experiences of the United Kingdom, the European Union and the United States. Like many jurisdictions around […]