
Karen Young – Tackling mental health issues online and on the ground

Young people aged 15 to 24 experience the highest incidence of mental illnesses, according to Statistics Canada. Specific to higher education, the National College Health Survey—completed in 2013 by more than 34,000 Canadian postsecondary students—found an increase in almost all types of mental health concerns including depression, anxiety, attentional related concerns, addiction related concerns and […]

What are Ontario’s Universities Doing to Improve Access for Under-represented Groups?

Identifying under-represented groups a challenge for college and university access programs Colleges and universities across Ontario are engaged in many outreach , recruitment and retention efforts to improve access to postsecondary education for under-represented groups. However , two new reports from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) find that defining which students are […]

The Recruitment of Under-represented Groups to Ontario Colleges: A Survey of Current Practices

Identifying under-represented groups a challenge for college and university access programs Colleges and universities across Ontario are engaged in many outreach , recruitment and retention efforts to improve access to postsecondary education for under-represented groups. However , two new reports from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) find that defining which students are […]


Martin Hicks – Giving thanks

I looked around the family table at Thanksgiving dinner and was struck by this: of the eleven Ontarians represented, seven are students in our higher education system at this moment in time. Despite the small sample, what’s represented here is richer than gravy. This family is hungrily learning at both college and university, towards a […]


Martin Hicks – Stop (en)Rolling Over

In Ontario, higher education enrolment forecasting is important business.  This is not surprising.  Enrolment growth drives money to institutions, generates investment by government and delivers ever higher participation and attainment rates for Ontarians. What will postsecondary enrolment in Ontario be in 10 years and how should we plan for it?  To find out, we look […]

Hybrid Delivery of College Instruction in the Skilled Trades: Supporting Apprenticeship Completion

Hybrid apprenticeship courses can provide similar outcomes in reduced timeframe By combining online courses for theory and in-class learning, hybrid apprenticeship programs may be able to achieve comparable outcomes to traditional in-class programs, but in approximately half the required time according to a new report from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO). The […]

Is there a Best Fit? Assessing Alternative Entrance Pathways into an Undergraduate Degree for Non-Traditional Students at York University

Report examines alternate entrance pathways for non-traditional students There is no one-size-fits-all pathway into university for non-traditional students as they face different barriers and require varied supports, according to a new study from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO). Examining four entrance pathways into York University for non-traditional students, the report finds that […]


EduData – Canada Learning Bond uptake increasing, but still low

In 2005, the federal government introduced the Canada Learning Bond (CLB) to help lower-income families get a head start on saving money for their child’s postsecondary education. The CLB includes an initial payment of $500, followed by up to 15 annual payments of $100 (maximum payment of $2,000). Eligible families must open a Registered Education […]

Evaluating the Effects of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Mentor Program

Study examines Windsor mentorship program’s impact on student retention A peer mentorship program at the University of Windsor has a positive impact on first-year students as well as senior student mentors, according to a new report from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO). Established in 2005 to improve enrolment and retention by enhancing […]