@ Issue Paper No. 21 Apprenticeship in International Perspective Points of Contrast with Ontario

Federal governments are key players in apprenticeship systems around the globe Much of the public discussion surrounding changes to Ontario’s apprenticeship system has focused on what is happening in other systems around the world. A new report from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) examines seven countries’ apprenticeship systems and finds that while […]

@ Issue Paper No. 20 Apprenticeship in Ontario An Exploratory Analysis

Ontario apprenticeship registrations rising, but completion rates are a concern Since 2000, registrations for new apprenticeships have grown nearly every year, in Ontario and Canada. But a new report from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) finds that completion rates have not kept pace with registrations. Apprenticeship in Ontario: An Exploratory Analysis shows that while […]

Still Worth It After All These Years

In economically troubled times, university still produces employability and earnings advantage Unlike college, university education often seems to end up under the spotlight during economically troubled times – either as salve or Satan depending on who’s doing the talking. As the debate continues, a new report from the Higher Education Quality Council (HEQCO) examines postsecondary […]

@ Issue Paper No. 19 – Emphasizing Numeracy as an Essential Skill

Numeracy skill development, assessment in Ontario higher education doesn’t add up At a time when numeracy is an essential skill for work and life in general, the development and evaluation of numeracy skills in Ontario’s college and university students doesn’t add up, according to a new report from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario […]


Fiona Deller – Ontario the attainment chart-topper — except in the trades

We can puff out our chests with pride. The most current OECD numbers show that Canada still tops the charts for postsecondary attainment — number one in college attainment, number one in overall attainment for 25 to 64 year olds. And Ontario’s at the top of the heap in both college and university attainment for […]


Martin Hicks – Stardate 68183.1: Ontarians still do not pay the sticker price

In a recent blog we wrote that Ontario undergraduate tuition was around $4,000. At about the same time, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives said Ontario undergraduate tuition is $8,474. It’s a Star Trek episode with parallel universes. How does that happen? The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives didn’t make its numbers up. Statistics Canada […]


Stewart Kallio – Canadian apprenticeship completions lag far behind registrations

Guest blogger: Stewart Kallio Voices from HEQCO’s November 2014 conference Hands On: Exploring Apprenticeship and the Skilled Trades Work in the trades provides good, well-paying jobs, yet young Canadians do not see the skilled trades as a viable career. Often, they enter an apprenticeship path later in their work career. In Ontario, for example, the […]


Joe Henry – Male students in higher education: we need a conversation

Guest blogger: Joe Henry There have been many conversations in the media and in education circles about the role that gender plays in student success and achievement. In the last 50 years we have seen significant and important shifts in female attendance and graduation from our postsecondary institutions across North America. As the father of […]

Evaluating Essential Skills for Ontario’s Tradespeople (ESOT) Project

Some apprentices lack foundational math, reading, document use skills Some apprentices lack foundational math, reading and document use skills, which might contribute to low apprenticeship completion rates, according to a report from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO). Amid concerns by college educators about essential skill levels required for in-school and on-the-job success, […]