We can puff out our chests with pride. The most current OECD numbers show that Canada still tops the charts for postsecondary attainment — number one in college attainment, number one in overall attainment for 25 to 64 year olds. And Ontario’s at the top of the heap in both college and university attainment for […]
Tag: Labour Market
Labour Market
Last week, the Globe and Mail dissected Ontario’s latest annual university graduate survey results. Lead conclusion: “recent graduates of Ontario universities are doing worse on almost all measures of employment compared to those who graduated before the recession.” And more pointedly: “humanities graduates have been particularly affected, with their real earnings dropping steeply from what […]
Guest blogger: Gail Smyth Voices from HEQCO’s November 2014 conference Hands On: Exploring Apprenticeship and the Skilled Trades Today’s graduates are facing challenging times; they have been in school for most of their lives, have little to no work experience in their field of expertise and a large number of graduates may be facing years […]
Guest blogger: Stewart Kallio Voices from HEQCO’s November 2014 conference Hands On: Exploring Apprenticeship and the Skilled Trades Work in the trades provides good, well-paying jobs, yet young Canadians do not see the skilled trades as a viable career. Often, they enter an apprenticeship path later in their work career. In Ontario, for example, the […]
Guest blogger: Barbara Endel Voices from HEQCO’s November 2014 conference Hands On: Exploring Apprenticeship and the Skilled Trades Right now, the United States is facing a major skills and educational attainment gap. Family-supporting jobs increasingly require a postsecondary credential. It’s estimated that, by 2018, two-thirds of all jobs will require education beyond high school, but […]
Ontario postsecondary internship programs should emphasize educational quality There is significant variation in the structure of internship programs offered in Ontario’s colleges and universities – from length of program to requirements for completion. But a new study from the Higher Education Quality Council (HEQCO) also finds that when viewed through the lens of experiential learning […]
Some apprentices lack foundational math, reading, document use skills Some apprentices lack foundational math, reading and document use skills, which might contribute to low apprenticeship completion rates, according to a report from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO). Amid concerns by college educators about essential skill levels required for in-school and on-the-job success, […]
Voices from HEQCO’s November 2014 conference Hands On: Exploring Apprenticeship and the Skilled Trades Guest blogger: Anthony Mann If employer engagement in education were a snappier hashtag, it would be trending. Across the world, governments, institutions and organizations are asking themselves how can they close the gap between the worlds of education and employment, […]
Voices from HEQCO’s November 2014 conference Hands On: Exploring Apprenticeship and the Skilled Trades Guest blogger: Sarah Watts-Rynard Despite some debate about whether or not Canada is experiencing a skills shortage – economists say no, employers say yes – the reality is that a generation of expert tradespeople is moving toward retirement age. Their […]