
Joe Henry – A smarter way to educate students about the future

There has been a myriad of discussions in the media recently around the issue of skills training and development. Without a doubt, there are improvements that need to be made in the system to better link graduates with the available jobs. Among them are better career development information for secondary school students, changing the dominant […]


Martin Hicks – Humanities matter here and down by the river

Recently, at the annual conference of the Association of Canadian Community Colleges, Gwyn Morgan, retired CEO of energy giant EnCana, gave the opening keynote address, where he extolled the contributions colleges make to the economy and to the career success of many Canadians. He was right to do so.  Canada has a strong and successful […]


Terry Gitersos – Terry Gitersos has a job (and they really did keep his resume on file)

The good people at HECQO have asked me to pen an epilogue to the missives I wrote last spring that chronicled my trials and tribulations as a recently graduated PhD in the job market.  I will make a long story short: I have finally found a job, and am in my fourth month of working […]


Harvey P. Weingarten – Removing the confusion from the skills gap discussion

I have been reading and hearing a lot about the “skills gap” in Canada, particularly the suggestion of significant shortages of people with the skill set to fulfill the jobs available in today’s labour markets.  This discussion is often accompanied by commentary about the misalignment between what students learn in postsecondary programs and the requirements […]

The University of Waterloo and Work-Integrated Learning: Three Perspectives

Research Summary: Waterloo Students Benefit Academically and Professionally from Co-op Involvement The University of Waterloo operates the largest postsecondary co-op program of its kind in the world, and a new report from Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) finds that Waterloo co-op graduates feel they benefit academically and professionally and are more satisfied than […]

Beyond Labs and Libraries Career Pathways for Graduate Students

Research Summary: New reports explore the stark realities of the university doctorate  Doctoral enrolments in Ontario universities have nearly doubled over the last decade, with roughly two-thirds of doctoral students hoping to become university professors. Considering that Canadian full-time professors are now the highest paid in the world – working more hours but enjoying better […]

@ Issue Paper No. 15 So You Want to Earn a PhD? The Attraction, Realities and Outcomes of Pursuing a Doctorate

Research Summary: New reports explore the stark realities of the university doctorate Doctoral enrolments in Ontario universities have nearly doubled over the last decade, with roughly two-thirds of doctoral students hoping to become university professors. Considering that Canadian full-time professors are now the highest paid in the world – working more hours but enjoying better […]

Postsecondary Education Latecomers: Profile and Labour Market Outcomes of Ontario PSE Graduates

Students Who Delay Entering Postsecondary Education Not Hurt in Labour Market An increasing number of students are delaying their entry into postsecondary education (PSE) and a new study by the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) finds that delaying had no significant impact on the performance of graduates once they enter the labour market. […]

Work-Integrated Learning in Ontario’s Postsecondary Sector The Experience of Ontario Graduates

Research Summary: Student survey says postsecondary co-op, internships improve employability skills Internships, field placements, co-op and other forms of postsecondary work-integrated learning (WIL) help Ontario college and university students gain practical work experience, enhance their résumés, improve employability skills and determine their fit with a potential career, according to a new study from the Higher […]