
Terry Gitersos – Reinventing Terry Gitersos: Is it back to class?

Entering my sixth month of post-PhD unemployment, I can state pretty emphatically that employers aren’t buying the package that I am attempting to sell.  This is the crux of the problem that I have been grappling with for months now: How can I reinvent myself in a way that will make an employer want to […]

Faculty Experiences with and Perceptions of Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) in the Ontario Postsecondary Sector

Research Summary: Faculty who are involved in WIL more likely to support its growth Work-integrated learning (WIL) – or co-operative education, internships, work placements and apprenticeships – is becoming more widespread in today’s colleges and universities as a way to better integrate learning and work.  Faculty with WIL experience say that even more of it […]


Terry Gitersos – What Terry Gitersos wishes he’d known before he became Dr. Gitersos

I was raised in a family that prioritized education.  My parents stressed the value and importance of both formal and informal learning from when I was in diapers, and instilled in me the notion that a university education was the key to my future social and economic wellbeing.  I eagerly accepted this education-centric worldview and […]

Educational Attainments and Labour Market Outcomes of the Children of Immigrants in Ontario

Research Summary: For some children of immigrants, educational success doesn’t translate to employment success The children of immigrants represent an increasing segment of the Canadian labour force. Yet while most tend to have higher university attainment rates than children of Canadian-born parents, some, particularly visible minority men, have higher unemployment rates and lower earnings, according […]


Postsecondary education: Pipe dream or prerequisite? Ask a plumber.

One of the most ubiquitous and powerful arguments made by advocates of greater investment in higher education is that a postsecondary education is instrumental to economic success, for both the individual and the public.  The public and governments appear to have accepted that 70-80 per cent of future jobs will require some postsecondary credential and […]

Employment Experience of Ontario’s Postsecondary Graduates with Learning Disabilities

Research Summary: Postsecondary graduates with learning disabilities get satisfying jobs but reluctant to disclose their disability Most Ontario college and university graduates with learning disabilities are finding jobs and are generally satisfied with their current place of employment. But while many say their disability affected their on-the-job performance, they chose not to disclose of it […]

The Transfer Experience of Ontario College Graduates who Further their Education

Research Summary:  More College Graduates Continuing Their Education in Pursuit of Increased Earnings and Career Advancement An increasing number of college graduates are returning to school to continue their education, not due to lack of employment options, but in pursuit of higher earnings, interesting and challenging career opportunities and enhanced status. A new report co-authored […]

Work-Integrated Learning in Ontario’s Postsecondary Sector

Research Summary  Postsecondary work/learn programs align student skills with changing labour market Whether it is co-operative education, apprenticeships, service-learning placements or internships, work-integrated learning (WIL) can help Ontario colleges and universities respond to rapid change in the Ontario labour market. A recent Ipsos Reid survey found that almost a quarter of Ontarians with some postsecondary […]

From Postsecondary Application to the Labour Market

Research Summary: Work and family stronger influences on under-represented students While the majority of Ontario students recognize the value of postsecondary education (PSE) and want to participate, applicants from under-represented groups are less likely to attend immediately. And the pathways they choose are more influenced by work and family issues, according to a study conducted […]