
Jeffrey Napierala — Are more highly educated workers coming to rural and northern Ontario?

The densely urbanized areas of southern Ontario — particularly the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) and Ottawa — attract a disproportionate number of people with more advanced educational credentials. This matters because this demographic group provides numerous advantages to communities, such as greater financial resources and key skills needed for modern technologies. While this is real […]


Ken Chatoor and Victoria Barclay — To address the K-shaped economic recovery, we must also address the K-shaped learning recovery

The long-term economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is worsening inequality in Canada and is a growing concern for citizens and policy-makers. This manifestation of inequality has been referred to as the ‘K-shaped economic recovery,’ a term which describes the bifurcated outcomes that are largely positive for highly educated and high-income earners, and largely negative for lower-income workers with fewer educational credentials.   There […]

Postsecondary Credential Attainment and Labour Market Outcomes for Ontario Students with Disabilities

Postsecondary Credential Attainment and Labour Market Outcomes for Ontario Students with Disabilities was written by Ken Chatoor, Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario. Students with disabilities do not receive the same benefits from postsecondary education as other students Students with disabilities experience barriers at each stage of their path through postsecondary education (PSE) and into […]


Making Sense of Microcredentials

Making Sense of Microcredentials was written by Jackie Pichette, Sarah Brumwell, Jessica Rizk and Steven Han, Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario. New HEQCO report brings clarity to the confusing world of microcredentials Making Sense of Microcredentials, a new report from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO), provides a clear definition for microcredentials […]


Jeffrey Napierala and Shakira Leslie: On International Women’s Day let’s not forget the ever-present gender wage gap

International Women’s Day is a good time to once again take stock of gender inequality in earnings. This is unfortunately not a new issue. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Canadian women continue to earn less than men. In 2019, women earned, on average, 18% less than men. The wage gap […]


Ken Chatoor — More research needed on Ontario’s Apprentices

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on people all over the world and Ontario is no exception. While some were able to shift to working from home, many people lost their jobs; the province’s unemployment rate more than doubled from 5.5% in February to 13.6% in May. As we continue to navigate life […]

The Journey of Ontario Apprentices: From High School to the Workforce and Diving into the Trades: An In-depth Look at 10 Apprenticeship Programs in Ontario

The Journey of Ontario Apprentices: From High School to the Workforce was written by Ken Chatoor and Amy Kaufman; Diving into the Trades: An In-depth Look at 10 Apprenticeship Programs in Ontario was written by Ken Chatoor and Sarah Brumwell ​The Journey of Ontario Apprentices: From High School to the Workforce Diving into the Trades: […]


Jackie Pichette – Survey of Canadians reinforces need for clear, standard definition of “microcredential”

Micro mania — that’s what we called the mix of excitement and uncertainty brewing around microcredentials in Ontario last Spring. Since then, HEQCO partnered with the Business + Higher Education Roundtable (BHER) to help address some of the uncertainty surrounding microcredentials.  We’re building an evidence base that anyone from the college, university or government sectors can draw from […]


Jeffrey Napierala – Caught in the middle: Many postsecondary students are struggling financially

While postsecondary students have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in numerous ways, they have been hit particularly hard in their ability to find work and earn wages over the summer. Roughly two-thirds report that their income will be disrupted by the pandemic compared to just one-third of other adults in Canada. While several federal aid programs have […]