
Harvey P. Weingarten – The power of data visualization and personal stories

Last week, we published an interactive infographic showing the relationship between programs of study and jobs.  The infographic showed what many people know — that specific programs of study may lead to many different types of jobs. For example, the infographic shows that 25% of graduates from the humanities work in business, finance and administration […]


EduData – Where do university graduates work in Ontario?

Occupations of college graduates in Ontario College University All 18-29 years 30-44 years 45-64 years Field of Study Occupation Graphic by Carrie Smith. The employees at HEQCO come from a wide variety of educational backgrounds, everything from religious studies to sociology to economics to engineering.  Workplaces benefit from having diversity in the training and perspectives of […]

The Language of Learning Outcomes: Definitions and Assessments

Report examines the language of learning outcomes Learning outcomes – what students should know or be able to do at the completion of a course or program – are rapidly replacing credit hours as the preferred unit of measurement for postsecondary learning. But assessment has yet to keep pace with growth, according to a new […]

Preparing Bachelor of Education Candidates to Teach in Ontario’s Northern, Remote, First Nations, Métis and Inuit Communities

New graduates offer insights on teaching in First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities A group of recent Bachelor of Education graduates from Laurentian University share their perspectives on teaching in northern, remote, First Nations, Métis and Inuit (FNMI) communities in a new report from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO). Project description Between […]


Jennifer Polk – PhD and then what? Life beyond the professoriate

When I finished my PhD in 2012, I had little idea of what I might do next. The immediate plan was to continue freelancing – I had a few clients for whom I did research and “virtual assistant”-like tasks. I didn’t feel particularly inclined to look for an academic job and in any case, the […]

Students Weigh In National Analysis of Results from the 2013 Canadian Graduate and Professional Student Survey

Graduate students not happy with guidance on employment opportunities after graduation Data from the 2013 Canadian Graduate and Professional Student Survey (CGPSS) show that while graduate students are satisfied with the general aspects of their programs and their student experience, they are not when it comes to career preparation. According to a new report from […]


EduData – What percentage of doctoral students feel positive about the quality of support and training they receive for non-academic career options?

  Full-time, tenure-track academic positions may not be a reality for many doctoral graduates. In Canada, less than 20% of PhDs are employed as full-time university professors. This fact is not lost on many doctoral students. But if their degree will not afford entrance into that hallowed space, for what opportunities does their degree prepare […]

Public Policy on Public Policy Schools

More transparency needed in public policy program differentiation Over the last decade, Canada has seen dramatic growth in the number of graduate programs in public policy and public administration. A new report from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) finds that while this proliferation is fundamentally good, there should be greater transparency in […]

Canadian Postsecondary Performance: Impact 2015

Money can’t buy you love. When it comes to Canadian universities, the level of funding doesn’t predict performance…