Learning from Educator Experiences with Grade 9 Destreaming Supports and Strategies

Learning from Educator Experiences with Grade 9 Destreaming Supports and Strategies was written by Ryan Tishcoff and Jackie Pichette. Destreaming workshop provided educators an opportunity to share experiences and offer recommendations for improvement. The Ontario government first announced plans to destream Grade 9 compulsory courses, starting with grade 9 math, in July of 2020. Since […]

Linking Postsecondary Non-completion Rates and Labour Market Outcomes

Linking Postsecondary Non-completion Rates and Labour Market Outcomes was written by Julia Colyar, Ken Chatoor and Janice Deakin. Nearly one-quarter of Ontario students who enrolled in postsecondary education did not finish with a credential after eight years Ontario postsecondary education (PSE) boasts high access and participation rates, but this access is not synonymous with student […]

Without Province-wide Data, School Boards Help Us Piece Together Pandemic Impacts on Student Pathways

HEQCO partnered with multiple Ontario school boards to understand how pandemic learning disruptions impacted postsecondary education (PSE) pathways. Our work with the TDSB revealed impacts on student pathways were not as negative as some feared. Our partnerships with three school boards in Central-Eastern Ontario reinforced this finding while providing insight into regional differences. These boards […]

Exploring the Relationship Between High School Math Achievement and PSE Pathways Using the CRP Dataset

Exploring the Relationship Between High School Math Achievement and PSE Pathways Using the CRP Dataset was written by Jackie Pichette, David Kanters & Sofia Ahmed. Students with stronger math achievement in high school are more likely to access and succeed in postsecondary education Students with stronger math achievement tend to graduate high school, access postsecondary […]

What’s Driving Student Decisions? Analyzing 2022 Ontario College Application Data

What’s Driving Student Decisions? Analyzing 2022 Ontario College Application Data was written by Hagar Effah, Sarah Brumwell, Margaret de Leon & Jackie Pichette, Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario. Ontario college applicants more open to online learning, but younger students prefer more in-class options A survey of recent college applicants finds that applicants across demographic […]

Analyzing Student Supports in Destreamed Math: Helping Students Succeed and Make Informed Choices About PSE

Analyzing Student Supports in Destreamed Math: Helping Students Succeed and Make Informed Choices About PSE was written by Natalie Pilla, Ryan Tishcoff & Jackie Pichette, Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario. Ontario’s destreaming policy shows early signs of success, but equity and awareness gaps remain The July 2020 decision by the Ontario government to destream […]

Mapping the Impacts of COVID Disruptions on Postsecondary Access in Ontario in COVID School Year 2 (2020-21)

Mapping the Impacts of COVID Disruptions on Postsecondary Access in Ontario in COVID School Year 2 (2020-21) was written by Kelly Gallagher-Mackay and Robert S. Brown with Christine Corso and George Tam in collaboration with the research department of the Toronto District School Board. Graduation rates and PSE confirmations improved for many TDSB students during […]

Remote Opportunities for Adult Learners: Analyzing Ontario College Application Data During COVID-19

Remote Opportunities for Adult Learners: Analyzing Ontario College Application Data During COVID-19 was written by Jackie Pichette, Hagar Effah (Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario) and Melissa Fritz (OCAS). Remote Opportunities for Adult Learners: Analyzing Ontario College Application Data During COVID-19 Impacts of COVID-19 on College Applications – did the pandemic increase opportunities for adult […]

Entry Points for Mature Learners: HEQCO and OCAS Partner to Explore COVID Impacts on College Applicants

A collaborative study of OCAS’ 2021 Applicant Experience and Intention Survey reveals that remote work and school have created key entry points for mature learners at Ontario colleges. HEQCO and OCAS will continue to investigate Applicant Survey data to help better understand the pandemic’s continued impact on learning preferences. Author: Jackie Pichette When Ontario colleges […]