Research Summary: Adult high school students aiming for higher education Most adults return to high school because they want to pursue postsecondary education, according to a new study from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO). The most often cited reasons for going back were the need for a better paying job, to train […]
Tag: Pathways
Research Summary: Students Benefit from College Preparatory Programs College preparatory programs help students who are interested in attending postsecondary education (PSE) but may lack the admission requirements or have been away from school for an extended time and need additional skills development. A new study published by the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) […]
Research Summary: Early Intervention Programs Should be Tailored to Specific Needs of the Community Community-driven early intervention programs provide youth with the resources, support and information necessary to complete high school and transition into postsecondary education (PSE). These programs can be an effective tool in boosting PSE participation, particularly for groups less likely to pursue […]
Research Summary: Numbers up but students with disabilities still face challenges in postsecondary education The number of students with disabilities at Ontario’s colleges and universities has increased in recent years but they still encounter barriers into, through and after postsecondary education (PSE), according to a synthesis of current research from the Higher Education Quality Council […]
Changing Career Goals Most Common Reason for Students Leaving College Early While there is a wide range of reasons why students leave college before completing their program, a new study by the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) finds that the most common factor influencing their decision is a change in career goals. Immediately […]
Research Summary: Student Success Programs May Improve Grades, Show Limited Impact on Retention and Satisfaction Programs aimed at supporting the academic and social needs of first-year students, often known as student success programs, are designed to help students thrive during the difficult transition into postsecondary education (PSE). A new study by the Higher Education Quality […]
Research Summary: College-to-university transfer: 2 + 2 = potential savings for students and government Students who transfer from college to university to complete their undergraduate degree are likely to save themselves and the government money, and they often earn grades equivalent to students who go directly into university from high school, according to a new […]
Research Summary: Drop-outs More Likely in First Year but Numbers Lower than Previously Thought The first year of postsecondary education (PSE) is a critical time for students, with most “drop-outs” taking place during this period. However, simply looking at an institution’s “drop-out” figures only tells a part of the story, missing students who switch programs […]
Research Summary: Special needs students: Improving pathways to higher education Special education in Ontario and elsewhere is under intense scrutiny as calls for greater equity push schools toward more inclusive policies and practices, including those that improve the likelihood of special needs students pursuing postsecondary education (PSE). While there have been a number of promising […]