Research Summary: Prepared by Chris Conway, Queen’s University The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) is a tool for exploring institutional practices and student behaviours that are known to be associated with good learning outcomes. It is now administered by all Ontario universities as part of their Multi-year Accountability Agreements with the Ministry of Training, […]
Tag: Quality
Research Summary: Report prepared by Dr. Carol A. Miles, Dragana Polovina-Vukovic, Darcy Litteljohn, Dr. Anthony Marini, Carleton University Carleton University introduced the Peer-Assisted Study Session (PASS) program to assist students who are registered in traditionally difficult or high attrition courses, with combined D, Fail or Withdrawal (WFD) rates of over 30 per cent, to succeed […]
Research Summary: The Effectiveness of the Writing Proficiency Assessment (WPA) in Improving Student Writing Skills at Huron University College Huron University College is a federated liberal arts college within the University of Western Ontario. Its writing Proficiency Assessment (WPA) was developed to introduce first year students to the culture of academic writing in university, and […]
Discovering the Benefits of a First Year Experience Program for Under-represented Students: A Preliminary Assessment of Lakehead University’s Gateway Program Prepared by Sarah Browne and Heather Doyle, Lakehead University Research indicates that non-traditional students – including first generation students, students with disabilities, visible minorities, and mature students – are becoming the majority on many campuses. […]
Research Summary: As early as 1998, it was clear that some students entering Nipissing University were not fully prepared for the academic demands or the life transitions of university. As a result, the student services department and the faculty of arts and science developed a program to help first year students adjust to university life. […]
Research Summary: This paper is the result of a review of over 40 programs in Ontario colleges and universities that were designed to increase recruitment, participation and retention of Aboriginal students in postsecondary education. It involved a literature review, site visits to 6 postsecondary institutions and qualitative interviews with program administrators and coordinators at 28 […]
Research Summary: According to the 2008 report, Education at a Glance from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the percentage of university- and college-educated workers who earned at or below half of the national median employment income (or $16,917) was higher in Canada (and Ontario) in 2006 than most, if not all, key […]
Research Summary: What expectations do students have regarding the university experience and are those expectations being met? What expectations do faculty have of students, and will students or should students measure up to faculty expectations? And to what extent do faculty expectations influence student expectations and the overall experiences of students? These three questions are […]
Publication Research Summary: The book is available for purchase at This book is based upon a HEQCO-sponsored research symposium that was held in the spring of 2008. The symposium brought together leading experts to “take stock” of the research on teaching and learning in higher education and to explore the implications of key findings. The […]