@ Issue Paper No 2-2 A Fine Balance

Supporting Skills and Competency Development​​​​​ Summary: The second in a three part series, this paper examines issues related to the development of skills, competencies, and knowledge and the labour market issues faced by skilled graduates. It draws on the experiences of the United Kingdom, the European Union and the United States. Like many jurisdictions around […]

@ Issue Paper No 2-3 Signalling Abilities and Achievement

Measuring and Reporting on Skill and Competency Development Sommaire : The third in a three part series, this paper examines initiatives designed to measure and report on acquisition of skills and competencies. It looks specifically at how various jurisdictions have developed common definitions when stating expectations about learning outcomes, transparency in communication of goals and […]

Academic Transformation The Forces Reshaping Higher Education in Ontario

Report Research Summary: The book is available for purchase at http://mqup.mcgill.ca/book.php?bookid=2363 (English only). The thesis of this book is that the present approach to the provision of baccalaureate education in Ontario is not sustainable and is in need of significant modification. The stage for the present approach was set by two higher education policy decisions that were […]

Emotional Intelligence Interventions to Increase Student Success

Research Summary: Unable to cope with the transition from secondary school to postsecondary school or the new pressures of first year, a number of students at Ontario’s universities and colleges withdraw before they graduate.  What leads them to leave is still under discussion.  One possibility is that they lack what are called emotional and social […]

Faculty Engagement in Teaching Development Activities Phase 1 Literature Review

Research Summary: This report and its accompanying stand-alone  appendix provide a review of the literature related to faculty engagement in teaching development activities at universities.  The literature review is framed using Stephen Brookfield’s four lenses, and discusses changes to student and faculty learning models, the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL), as well as teaching […]

Exploring the Utility of the 2007 Canadian Graduate and Professional Student Survey Student Satisfaction at the University

Research Summary: Exploring the Utility of the 2007 Canadian Graduate and Professional Student Survey: Student Satisfaction at the University of Western Ontario analyses the results of the 2007 Canadian Graduate and Professional Student Survey of 1,354 University of Western Ontario (UWO) students.  Information was collected on a wide range of issues including: • general satisfaction […]

Measures of Student Engagement in Postsecondary Education

Research Summary: Prepared by CCI Research Inc. for the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, Measures of Student Engagement in Postsecondary Education: Theoretical Basis and Applicability to Ontario’s Colleges provides a comprehensive overview of the key issues related to the construct of student engagement, including: (1) a summary of the theoretical underpinnings of student engagement […]

Research Study on a Knowledge Exchange Network for Exemplary Teaching in Ontario Higher Education

Research Summary:​ Research Study on a Knowledge Exchange Network for Exemplary Teaching in Ontario Higher Education explores how knowledge exchange networks for exemplary teaching can help Ontario’s higher education sector be a leader in identifying, promoting, and applying exemplary teaching practices. The paper analyzes existing research and current models of knowledge exchange, makes recommendations for […]

Student Course Evaluations Research Models and Trends

Research Summary: Student Course Evaluations: Research, Models and Trends represents the first review and summary of existing research on student course evaluations from a Canadian perspective. The study aims to capture and synthesize the key issues and findings regarding the validity and utility of student course evaluations from the substantial body of scholarship in this […]