The Nexus of Teaching and Research

Research Summary: The Nexus of Teaching and Research: Evidence and Insights from the Literature provides a high-level review of the existing literature on the connection between teaching and research and provides recommendations for next steps and future research options for the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO). This paper demonstrates that there is little […]

Producing Indicators of Institutional Quality in Ontario Universities and Colleges

In Producing Indicators of Institutional Quality in Ontario Universities and Colleges: Options for Producing, Managing and Displaying Comparative Data, the Educational Policy Institute (EPI) assesses the information needs of Ontario’s postsecondary system, what types of comparative quality indicator data are currently available, and how an effective common higher education data architecture could be structured. EPI […]

HEQCO Discussion Paper: Priorities and Research Agenda (Abstract)

Research Summary: The Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) is seeking comments on the priorities and research agenda it should adopt during its initial years of operation. In recent years ​the Ontario government has made significant changes in its policy framework for postsecondary education. The creation of the Council is one of these changes. By statute, the […]