Teaching Loads and Research Outputs of Ontario University Faculty: Implications for Productivity and Differentiation

Research Summary: Productivity 101: Increase teaching load of university professors who aren’t active researchers If professors who are not active researchers taught more, the teaching capacity of full-time professors in Ontario’s universities could increase by 10%, equivalent to adding 1,500 additional faculty members across the province, according to a new report from the Higher Education […]


Harvey P. Weingarten – Managing for Quality: A Change Manifesto for Canadian Universities

I had the opportunity recently to participate in a conference panel for members of the Boards of Governors of Ontario universities.  Our panel was charged to opine on the question of whether universities are meeting the needs of students and the public and, if there is room for improvement, what has to change. The conference […]


Harvey P. Weingarten – Suggestions for Better Performance Management of Postsecondary Funding

Today, the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) released a major evaluation of the outcomes of the investment Canadian federal and provincial governments have made in graduate education. This report, Intentions For and Outcomes Following a Decade of Government Investment in Graduate Education, continues a series of papers we have published on graduate education.  […]

Intentions For and Outcomes Following a Decade of Government Investment in Graduate Education

Research Summary: ​Assessing government investment in graduate education: address the data gaps  Over the past decade, the federal and some provincial governments have made considerable investments in graduate education. But while available data identify enrollment trends, there is a notable lack of data on other important aspects of graduate education such as employment outcomes, according […]

The Diversity of Ontario’s Colleges: A Data Set to Inform the Differentiation Discussion

Research Summary: College degree granting dominates differentiation discussion While degree granting by Ontario colleges is barely a decade old and only 4% of the province’s college students are enrolled in degree programs, the topic dominates current discussions about college differentiation. A new report from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) says that moving […]

How Online Learning Affects Productivity, Cost and Quality in Higher Education: An Environmental Scan and Review of the Literature

Research Summary: Online education should bring effective learning and cost savings Online education has the potential to provide high-quality learning – for some students, in some fields of study – at significantly lower unit costs than traditional forms of instruction and those savings should help fund the cost of improving face-to-face learning, according to a […]

The Diversity of Ontario’s Universities: A Data Set to Inform the Differentiation Discussion

Research Summary: Differentiation: Toward a more coherent and sustainable university system A new report from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) finds that the province’s 20 universities could be organized into at least three distinct clusters based on a set of variables that other jurisdictions have used to differentiate their university systems, setting […]

The University of Waterloo and Work-Integrated Learning: Three Perspectives

Research Summary: Waterloo Students Benefit Academically and Professionally from Co-op Involvement The University of Waterloo operates the largest postsecondary co-op program of its kind in the world, and a new report from Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) finds that Waterloo co-op graduates feel they benefit academically and professionally and are more satisfied than […]

Beyond Labs and Libraries Career Pathways for Graduate Students

Research Summary: New reports explore the stark realities of the university doctorate  Doctoral enrolments in Ontario universities have nearly doubled over the last decade, with roughly two-thirds of doctoral students hoping to become university professors. Considering that Canadian full-time professors are now the highest paid in the world – working more hours but enjoying better […]