Changing Times, Changing Places: The Global Evolution of the Bachelor’s Degree and the Implications for Ontario

Research Summary: Global trends in bachelor’s degree: What can Ontario learn? The time-honoured bachelor’s degree has undergone some serious tinkering if not transformation over the last decade, driven by enrolment growth, constrained funding, demands for increased student mobility and greater alignment with the labour market. Some countries have shifted from three-year to four-year degrees while […]

International Approaches to Secondary Education

Research Summary: Improving Canadian high school education: No single recipe but think system-wide What can Canada learn from other countries with high secondary school graduation rates? A new report commissioned by the  Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario  suggests that while a system-wide approach to change appears to be key, there is no one recipe […]


The Diminishing Quality of Ontario’s Universities: Can the System be Fixed?

The following remarks were delivered by HEQCO President and CEO Harvey Weingarten on October 18 at the C.D. Howe Institute. Talk to the C.D. Howe Institute Harvey P. Weingarten President, Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario Toronto, Ontario October 18 2011 Check against delivery Canada has a good, likely very good, public postsecondary system.  But, […]


Alexi White: FYI: OUSA on MYAAs

Hello from the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance (OUSA). I’ve been invited to mix things up a bit with a guest blog from the student perspective. Since the government has announced that new Multi-Year Accountability Agreements (MYAAs) are in the works, I’d like to dip a toe into the discussion around how best to ensure our […]

@ Issue Paper No. 7 Expanding Opportunities for Graduate Studies: The Recent Experience of Ontario

Executive Summary: Ontario graduate enrolments surge over the last decade by more than 50 per cent Ontario has outpaced the rest of Canada in graduate enrolment growth over the last decade. Doctoral enrolments increased by 67 per cent and master’s enrolments were up by 51 per cent, according to a summary research report by the […]

@ Issue Paper No. 6 Tuition Fee Policy Options for Ontario

Executive Summary:Access and Financial Sustainability Key Challenges for New Tuition Policy Framework Although Ontario enjoys the highest postsecondary participation rates in Canada, financial and non-financial barriers are preventing some students from pursuing college or university, according to a report by the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO).  In addition to improving access for groups […]

Work-Integrated Learning in Ontario’s Postsecondary Sector

Research Summary  Postsecondary work/learn programs align student skills with changing labour market Whether it is co-operative education, apprenticeships, service-learning placements or internships, work-integrated learning (WIL) can help Ontario colleges and universities respond to rapid change in the Ontario labour market. A recent Ipsos Reid survey found that almost a quarter of Ontarians with some postsecondary […]


Suffering from a troublesome societal dynamic? Got ulcers? Consider the merits of differentiation.

Here’s a question to ponder in the wee hours of the morning – or right now. How can a government respond to the following societal dynamic? A persistent and growing demand for more availability of public postsecondary education. Fewer public dollars to sustain or grow public postsecondary education, especially in Canada with the insatiable financial […]

Advice on the benefits of greater differentiation of Ontario’s university sector

While several of Ontario’s 20 universities are internationally ranked, pressures on the postsecondary system are palpable. Increased enrollment is jeopardizing the range and quality of programs while a changing labour market demands postsecondary credentials. How can Ontario’s universities improve access, quality and international competitiveness while ensuring a system that is both sustainable and accountable? A […]