College Sustainability: Signal Data

Demographic shifts will pose enrollment challenges for Ontario college sector Demographic shifts over the next two decades pose enrollment challenges for Ontario’s public postsecondary sector , but the province’s colleges are particularly susceptible , according to a new report from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO).In College Sustainability: Signal Data , HEQCO notes that the […]

University Sustainability: Signal Data

New report examines sustainability challenges facing Ontario universities Projected demographics across Ontario say the province will experience a drop in the number of 18 to 20 year olds over the next two decades. The shift poses a serious challenge for Ontario universities that have long depended on increased enrolment as a major revenue source. A […]


Harvey P. Weingarten – “Plans are useless but planning is indispensable.”

These are the words of former US President Dwight Eisenhower about how one plans for battle. One reason “I like Ike” is that his words capture HEQCO’s philosophy of planning. He understood that plans are useless when they get too specific, try to predict the future with certainty, and prompt fights over every comma in […]

What’s the Story? National Media Coverage of Higher Education in Canada

Canadian media coverage of postsecondary education on the decline Coverage of postsecondary education in Canadian print media outlets is declining and has been trending downward since the mid-2000s , says a new report from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO). What’s the Story? National Media Coverage of Higher Education in Canada also finds that government […]


Harvey P. Weingarten – The challenge of change: advice from Keynes

In the preface to his book, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, John Maynard Keynes wrote: “The ideas which are expressed here…are extremely simple and should be obvious. The difficulty lies, not in the new ideas, but in escaping from the old ones, which ramify, for those brought up as most of us […]

Understanding the Sustainability of the Ontario Postsecondary System and its Institutions: A Framework

Postsecondary sustainability demands cooperation , collaboration and alignment Ensuring that postsecondary institutions are sustainable and capable of providing a high quality academic experience is a fundamental responsibility of government and of institutional leaders , says a new report from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO). Understanding the Sustainability of the Ontario Postsecondary System and […]

The Differentiation of the Ontario University System: Where are we now and where should we go?

Data visualisation The differentiation of the Ontario university system: Critical pathways forward For more than six years , HEQCO has conducted research on the differentiation of Ontario’s public postsecondary system , where institutions build on and are accountable for their specific strengths , mandates and missions. A new report from the Higher Education Quality Council […]


EduData – Ontario’s 20 Unique Universities

There’s good reason that Ontario is promoting differentiation in its higher education system. Differentiation – where institutions build on their specific strengths, mandates and missions – delivers real choice for students, better quality, and a system we can all afford to sustain and grow. Our visualization showcases the existing state of differentiation between Ontario’s 20 […]


Nicholas Dion – An ode to options

After months of planning, HEQCO’s annual conference has come and gone once again. This year’s event set out with a particularly ambitious mission: to bring together individuals with stakes in different parts of the lifelong learning process. The target: to discuss issues of common concern, to break down the invisible barriers that all too often […]