
Martin Hicks and Fiona Deller – Free Tuition: Neither a pig nor in a poke

Free tuition is not a political slogan.  It is an important new program that will increase access to higher education for low-income and marginalized Ontarians.  Now that we are finally ready to deploy it, let’s please not immediately politicize it away. A long time ago, back before 1991, Ontario’s student assistance program, OSAP, was pretty […]


Greg Moran – No change for no change’s sake

One of the benefits of working at HEQCO (and let’s face it, there are many) is that staying abreast of postsecondary education literature is part of the job.  Although the volume can be overwhelming, much of this writing is provocative and helpful. Occasionally I run across something that simply provokes. In a recent opinion piece […]


HEQCO – A triumph of evidence-based decision-making

In last Thursday’s budget, the Ontario government announced significant changes to the way student financial aid will be packaged to encourage greater participation of students from low income families.  These changes come after years of research from HEQCO, and other organizations, about the inhibitory effects of a high tuition sticker price and loan aversion on […]


Harvey P. Weingarten – Goals vs. strategies: A postsecondary primer

In any policy initiative, it is important to distinguish between goals and strategies.  Goals are things you are trying to achieve – the outcomes you are seeking.  Strategies are processes and actions that can be employed to achieve these desired outcomes. Strategies are not ends in themselves.  Rather, they are tools.  Strategies have no inherent […]


Robert H. Seidman – Degree-in-three programs built on competency and assessment

Higher education in the United States is at a tipping point. The cost of a college education has spiraled out of control, leaving deserving students priced out of a bright future and putting the nation at risk of losing much-needed talent. Many states are reducing funding for publicly supported colleges, driving the price of securing […]

The Global Competition for International Students as Future Immigrants: The role of Ontario universities in translating government policy into institutional practice

Report sheds light on ways to improve the international student experience Encouraging international students to study in Canada and become permanent residents is one way to ensure a skilled and educated labour market , according to a new report from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO). Ontario is working strategically to make itself […]

International Students in Ontario’s Postsecondary Education System , 2000-2012: An evaluation of changing policies , populations and labour market entry processes

The average international student is male and attends college in the GTA according to new report A new report published by the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) finds that Ontario is the primary destination for international students coming to Canada. The report documents the average international student profile , the rise in international […]


Harvey Weingarten, Don Drummond, Ross Finnie – Canada Needs a New Skills Agenda

A top priority for the new federal government must be to bolster Canada’s modest economic growth and ensure it is inclusive so more than just those at the top end of the income distribution enjoy the benefits. Ageing of the work force combined with the recent anemic pace of productivity growth will likely only produce […]


Martin Hicks – Giving thanks

I looked around the family table at Thanksgiving dinner and was struck by this: of the eleven Ontarians represented, seven are students in our higher education system at this moment in time. Despite the small sample, what’s represented here is richer than gravy. This family is hungrily learning at both college and university, towards a […]