Design Questions: Funding Models for Ontario

Critical questions need answers before design work begins on new funding model ​ In the midst of the Ontario government’s review of its university funding model, the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) has issued the second of its background reports to help inform the process. In Design Questions: Funding Models for Ontario, report author Martin Hicks […]


Martin Hicks – Extra, extra, read all about it

We’re gonna quote right out of the newspaper.  That way, you won’t have to worry that we’re making it all up.  These are verbatim quotes about the Ontario university funding model review.  The headline reads: “Sustaining Quality in Changing Times” “Persistent deficits and a growing debt burden limit the ability of governments at every level to […]


Martin Hicks – Stop (en)Rolling Over

In Ontario, higher education enrolment forecasting is important business.  This is not surprising.  Enrolment growth drives money to institutions, generates investment by government and delivers ever higher participation and attainment rates for Ontarians. What will postsecondary enrolment in Ontario be in 10 years and how should we plan for it?  To find out, we look […]


Harvey P. Weingarten – Quality: The final frontier

As Yogi Berra said, “Predictions are hard, especially when they are about the future.” But if there is any issue that should dominate the future of higher education, it’s quality – quality of the student experience, quality of our graduates, quality of our postsecondary institutions and quality of our higher education systems. Ultimately, quality is […]

Affiliated and Federated Universities as Sources of University Differentiation

Affiliated / federated universities valuable players in Ontario’s postsecondary system Ontario has 16 affiliated and federated universities that are historically church-governed but became associated with one of the province’s publicly supported universities as primarily secular institutions. A new study from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) says that these institutions provide a distinctive […]


HEQCO – University funding: Can a new model improve steering?

Money talks.  Ontario universities are dependent on revenue sources to deliver on their teaching and research missions.  Government is a major revenue source, and has an obligation to drive public policy outcomes and exercise appropriate stewardship through its investment.  And so the funding formula matters, for it is the mechanism through which an alignment of […]

Measuring the Economic Impact of Postsecondary Institutions

Input/output economic impact studies only tell part of the story Economic impact studies have become a staple of postsecondary institutional accountability but the basic ‘input-output’ approach, while relatively simple and inexpensive to undertake, is telling only part of the story – and not the part that’s of greatest interest to the public or government decision-makers, […]

The Role of Intermediary Bodies in Enhancing Quality and Sustainability in Higher Education

Intermediary bodies useful to advancing postsecondary quality and sustainability An intermediary or “buffer” body between government and postsecondary institutions can help promote both higher quality and financial sustainability, according to a new report from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO). Defined by report author David Trick as a government agency “that occupies a […]

Public Policy on Public Policy Schools

More transparency needed in public policy program differentiation Over the last decade, Canada has seen dramatic growth in the number of graduate programs in public policy and public administration. A new report from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) finds that while this proliferation is fundamentally good, there should be greater transparency in […]