Evaluating Lynda.com Platform Usage: An Analysis of 2018–19 User Data

80,000 postsecondary students, faculty and staff made free use of Lynda.com library in 2018–19 About 80,000 Ontario postsecondary students, faculty and staff took advantage of free access to a library of video tutorials provided by Lynda.com during the 2018–19 school year, according to a report that analyzed usage data on the online learning platform owned […]

How Much Do Students Remember Over Time? Longitudinal Knowledge Retention in Traditional versus Accelerated Learning Environments

​Students in condensed , accelerated courses retain knowledge as well as those in traditional courses University students enrolled in intensive full-day courses for one to two weeks , known as accelerated courses , retain knowledge as well as students in traditional , full-term course formats according to a new study from the Higher Education Quality […]

Teaching Team-effectiveness in Large Classes

Structured feedback program helps students improve teamwork and collaboration skills Providing accurate , actionable feedback to students is a critical part of developing essential skills like teamwork , but this can be difficult in a large class environment. A new study by the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) examines an initiative at the […]

Closing the Design Loop in First-year Engineering: Modelling and Simulation for Iterative Design

Study examines experiential learning approaches to teaching engineering design​ A new study by the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) examines the potential impact of experiential learning strategies, like simulation and prototyping, on teaching design to first-year engineering students. Specifically, the study examines the impact of these strategies on self-efficacy, which is a belief […]

The Effects of Long-Term Systematic Educational Development on the Beliefs and Attitudes of University Teachers

University Teaching Certificate Program has positive impact on instructor practice A teaching certificate program at the University Windsor has a positive impact on values , beliefs , and practices of instructors , but to be sustainable , such initiatives need to be supported by institutional and provincial postsecondary culture , say the authors of a […]

The Effects of the Inverted Classroom Approach: Student Behaviours, Perceptions and Learning Outcomes

Inverted classroom has positive impact on student learning experiences The inverted or flipped classroom can have a positive impact on student learning experiences including student-faculty interaction and in-class enjoyment , according to a new study from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO).The innovative teaching approach introduces students to course fundamentals through pre-class activities […]

Writers in Action: Modelling and Scaffolding Second-Language Learners’ Writing Process

Video screen capture helps instructors understand students’ writing process By tracking activities that take place on a computer screen, video screen capture (VSC) technology makes students’ writing processes visible to themselves and to instructors. For students, this facilitates reflection on their writing behaviours and habits. For instructors, it opens a dialogue between them and students […]

Writing Assignments and Instruction at Ontario’s Publicly Funded Universities: A View from Three Disciplines

Writing instruction at Ontario universities lacks a systemic approach Ontario’s university writing instruction lacks a systematic, coherent approach according to a new report by the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO). The study examined sample programs in arts/humanities, sciences and applied fields at five Ontario universities and found that while many students are receiving […]

Hybrid Delivery of College Instruction in the Skilled Trades: Supporting Apprenticeship Completion

Hybrid apprenticeship courses can provide similar outcomes in reduced timeframe By combining online courses for theory and in-class learning, hybrid apprenticeship programs may be able to achieve comparable outcomes to traditional in-class programs, but in approximately half the required time according to a new report from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO). The […]