Evaluating the Effects of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Mentor Program

Study examines Windsor mentorship program’s impact on student retention A peer mentorship program at the University of Windsor has a positive impact on first-year students as well as senior student mentors, according to a new report from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO). Established in 2005 to improve enrolment and retention by enhancing […]

The Effectiveness of Tutorials in Large Classes: Do they matter?

Tutorials in large classes – for best results go early and often Tutorials are designed to offer students in large classes the opportunity for a more focused discussion and direct engagement with other students and teaching assistants (TAs), but do they have an impact on academic performance? A new study from the Higher Education Quality […]

Cross-Disciplinary Collaborative Course Design: Successes and Challenges from an Implementation at OCAD University

OCAD pilot examines cross-disciplinary development of online learning Capitalizing on the diverse range of experience and knowledge of its faculty, OCAD University launched a program to bring faculty from different disciplines in its School of Design together to develop online learning resources. A new report by the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) found […]

Preparing Bachelor of Education Candidates to Teach in Ontario’s Northern, Remote, First Nations, Métis and Inuit Communities

New graduates offer insights on teaching in First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities A group of recent Bachelor of Education graduates from Laurentian University share their perspectives on teaching in northern, remote, First Nations, Métis and Inuit (FNMI) communities in a new report from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO). Project description Between […]

@ Issue Paper No. 22 – Pitfalls and Potential: Lessons from HEQCO-Funded Research on Technology-Enhanced Instruction

Technology-Enhanced Learning: Pitfalls and Potential Seizing the digital vernacular, technology-assisted learning is trending in higher education. But these new and emerging technologies should be positioned as tools – as means to an end rather than as ends in themselves, cautions a new report from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO). Technology will be […]

Outcomes Based Education Initiatives in Ontario Postsecondary Education Case Studies

Faculty buy-in necessary for success in outcomes-based education There is growing interest in outcomes-based education (OBE) initiatives that define, teach and assess learning outcomes. But getting faculty on board and changing their attitudes toward outcomes-based processes is important to the successful adoption of learning outcomes in Ontario’s postsecondary institutions, according to a new report from […]

Building a Sense of Community in Large Sized Classes via Peer and Self Assessment

Peer- and self-assessment build community in large classes A common criticism of large classes is that they are impersonal and restrict opportunities for students to interact with instructors and classmates. A new report from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) finds that a learning technology based on peer- and self-assessment can help students […]

Learning Outcomes Assessment A Practitioner’s Handbook

New handbook helps practitioners assess program-level learning outcomes Ontario’s colleges and universities have made strides in developing learning outcomes, yet effective assessment remains a challenge. Learning Outcomes Assessment: A Practitioner’s Handbook is a step-by-step resource to help faculty, staff, academic leaders and educational developers design, review and assess program-level learning outcomes. The handbook explores the theory, principles, […]

Engaging Students to Think Critically in a Large History Class

Not all students benefit equally from engagement technologies in large classes Online quizzes and clickers are just some of the technologies being introduced into large university classes to improve student engagement. While these tools have shown promise in studies of science, technology, engineering and math, less is known about their effectiveness in the humanities. A […]