Community Service Learning and Community Based Learning as Approaches to Enhancing University Service Learning

Direct connections with community organizations create better experiential education outcomes By blending theory and practice, it is believed that experiential education helps students develop valuable skills that are directly applicable to careers in their field. A new study by the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) examines several types of experiential education and finds […]

Cooperation and Competition in Large Classrooms

Study examines effects of competition on student success Instructors of large classes often face challenges with student motivation. The classroom incentive structure – grades, extra credit, and instructor and peer acknowledgement – may shape student motivations to engage in their studies. Over the course of a year, students in the introductory psychology course at McMaster […]

Developing University Literacy and Promoting Academic Success across Disciplines: A Case Study of French-Language University

Pilot course at the University of Ottawa prepares first-year students for university-level French In 2012-13, the University of Ottawa piloted a French course designed to help first-year students transition into university-level French. After completing the course, students felt more confident with their writing, literacy and oral communication skills, which in turn helped them better integrate […]

Clinical Teaching of Interprofessional Child Development Assessment Skills in a Large Group Setting

Health science workshops focus on collaboration Providing effective patient care and treatment requires health professionals from a number of disciplines working collaboratively. However, it is difficult to teach the core skills needed for effective teamwork and cooperation to large groups of students studying diverse subjects with limited clinical access. A new study by the Higher […]

The Role of Planetariums in Promoting Engagement and Learning

Digital planetariums:  Despite the “wow factor,” more evaluation of effectiveness needed Digital planetariums – in which the night’s sky is projected on domed ceilings – have a decided wow factor and today’s interactive versions can bring to life academic studies in astronomy.  But more research is needed into their potential effectiveness as a learning tool, […]

The State of Entrepreneurship Education in Ontario’s Colleges and Universities

Business is booming in entrepreneurship education From for-credit courses to business incubators, entrepreneurial activity is on the rise in Ontario’s colleges and universities, according to a new study from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO). Although variously defined and documented across the province’s 44 postsecondary institutions, entrepreneurial education has been a growing priority […]

Differentiated Evaluation: An Inclusive Evaluation Strategy Aimed at Promoting Student Engagement and Student Learning in Undergraduate Classrooms

Student choice in course evaluation can improve academic achievement Giving students options for how they will be evaluated in a university course can improve academic achievement and the learning experience, according to a new study from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO). Differentiated Evaluation: An Inclusive Evaluation Strategy Aimed at Promoting Student Engagement […]

Undergraduates Understanding of Skill based Learning Outcomes: Can e-portfolios Help?

Many University Undergraduates Struggle to Articulate Skills Learned in Class While students understand what many of the transferrable skills sought by employers are, a new report examining psychology students at Brock University by the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) finds that university undergraduates may not have strong awareness of their skills and the […]

Innovative Practicum Models in Teacher Education: The Benefits, Challenges and Implementation Implications of Peer Mentorship, Service Learning and International Practicum Placements

Research Reports Appendix – Research Summary: Innovative teacher education practicums spark professional growth Faculty of Education students (teacher candidates) who participated in innovative practicums said they grew professionally and developed resilience and problem-solving skills, according to a new report from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO). The study,Innovative Practicum Models in Teacher […]