University Faculty Engagement in Teaching Development Activities Phase II

Research Summary: Teaching quality a growing focus in university but research still more valued Despite increased emphasis on the quality of teaching in postsecondary education, a survey of professors at six Ontario universities finds that research continues to be more highly valued and have a bigger payoff in status and reputation. Conducted by a team […]

The Effectiveness of the Peer-assisted Study Sessions (PASS) Program in Enhancing Student Academic Success at Carleton Univ

Research Summary:​ Report prepared by Dr. Carol A. Miles, Dragana Polovina-Vukovic, Darcy Litteljohn, Dr. Anthony Marini, Carleton University  Carleton University introduced the Peer-Assiste​d Study Session (PASS) program to assist students who are registered in traditionally difficult or high attrition courses, with combined D, Fail or Withdrawal (WFD)  rates  of  over  30  per  cent,  to  succeed  […]

The Effectiveness of the Writing Proficiency Assessment WPA in Improving Student Writing Skills at Huron University College

Research Summary: The Effectiveness of the Writing Proficiency Assessment (WPA) in Improving Student Writing Skills at Huron University College Huron University College is a federated liberal arts college within the University of Western Ontario.  Its writing Proficiency Assessment (WPA) was developed to  introduce first year students to the culture of academic writing in university, and […]

Taking Stock Research on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

Publication Research Summary: The book is available for purchase at This book is based upon a HEQCO-sponsored research symposium that was held in the spring of 2008. The symposium brought together leading experts to “take stock” of the research on teaching and learning in higher education and to explore the implications of key findings.  The […]

Faculty Engagement in Teaching Development Activities Phase 1 Literature Review

Research Summary: This report and its accompanying stand-alone  appendix provide a review of the literature related to faculty engagement in teaching development activities at universities.  The literature review is framed using Stephen Brookfield’s four lenses, and discusses changes to student and faculty learning models, the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL), as well as teaching […]

Exploring the Utility of the 2007 Canadian Graduate and Professional Student Survey Student Satisfaction at the University

Research Summary: Exploring the Utility of the 2007 Canadian Graduate and Professional Student Survey: Student Satisfaction at the University of Western Ontario analyses the results of the 2007 Canadian Graduate and Professional Student Survey of 1,354 University of Western Ontario (UWO) students.  Information was collected on a wide range of issues including: • general satisfaction […]

Research Study on a Knowledge Exchange Network for Exemplary Teaching in Ontario Higher Education

Research Summary:​ Research Study on a Knowledge Exchange Network for Exemplary Teaching in Ontario Higher Education explores how knowledge exchange networks for exemplary teaching can help Ontario’s higher education sector be a leader in identifying, promoting, and applying exemplary teaching practices. The paper analyzes existing research and current models of knowledge exchange, makes recommendations for […]

The Nexus of Teaching and Research

Research Summary: The Nexus of Teaching and Research: Evidence and Insights from the Literature provides a high-level review of the existing literature on the connection between teaching and research and provides recommendations for next steps and future research options for the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO). This paper demonstrates that there is little […]