School-to-Work Transitions: PSE Graduates’ Labour Market Outcomes Based on Identity Characteristics was written by Ken Chatoor, Hagar Effah, Elizabeth Agoe and Amy Kaufman, Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario. Students from historically marginalized groups face worse labour market outcomes despite participation in school-to-work transition supports. Supporting postsecondary education (PSE) grads as they transition into the […]
Tag: Underrepresented Groups
Underrepresented Groups
Authors: Ken Chatoor, Hagar Effah and Elizabeth Agoe The transition from postsecondary (PSE) to work is an exciting and important milestone that can also be challenging. In Ontario, the existing data infrastructure around PSE outcomes relies on provincial government key performance indicators and graduate surveys that measure students’ employment and graduate outcomes (Government of Ontario, […]
Updated guide offers advice on improving the quality of WIL for all learners Effective and Inclusive Practices to Enhance the Educational Quality of Structured Work Experiences Offered through Colleges and Universities Work-integrated learning (WIL) experiences such as internships, placements, co-ops, field experiences, professional practice and clinical practicums continue to be an integral part of the […]
Using Generative AI to Make Learning More Accessible: Insights from Ontario PSE Students and Staff was written by Ryan Tishcoff, Elizabeth Agoe, Miha Isik and Alexandra MacFarlane, Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario. Realizing GenAI’s potential to improve accessibility in postsecondary education requires clarity and collaboration among students, instructors and support staff. Generative AI (GenAI) […]
Examining the Role of Sociodemographic Characteristics in Postsecondary Non-completion and Labour Market Outcomes was written by Ken Chatoor and Ryan Tishcoff, Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario. Students who face barriers accessing postsecondary education also see lower completion rates and worse employment outcomes after graduation. The strength of Ontario’s postsecondary education (PSE) system is linked […]
Ontario Learning Since the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Updated Look at Student Experiences and Outcomes in 2021–2022 was written by Sarah Brumwell and Jackie Pichette, Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario. Several challenges to student persistence and integration that emerged during the pandemic diminished as in-person courses and campus access resumed. The sudden shift to online-only […]
Accessibility Services at Ontario Colleges and Universities: Trends, Challenges and Recommendations for Government Funding Strategies was written by Sophie Lanthier, Ryan Tishcoff, Spencer Gordon & Julia Colyar. Demand for accommodation and accessibility supports in Ontario has grown significantly and funding has not kept pace Over the past decade, demand for accommodations and accessibility supports in […]
Inclusion in Work-integrated Learning: Lessons from Administrators, Employers and Students was written by Ken Chatoor & Amy Kaufman, Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario. Study reveals the importance of inclusivity to work-integrated learning experiences and where improvements can be made Work-integrated learning (WIL) provides many benefits for postsecondary education (PSE) students including improved labour market […]
Student Identity and Work-integrated Learning (WIL): Exploring Student Experiences of WIL by Demographic was written by Ken Chatoor & Lena Balata, Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario. System-wide data collection is needed to improve the work-integrated learning experience for students from underrepresented groups Work-integrated learning (WIL) is playing an increasing role in preparing students with […]